Hungry for Words

It’s a tough world for a writer. For one thing, chances are slim you’ll make any money writing. For another, you’ll probably be too busy to write as often as you like. But here’s the upside of both of these hard realities of putting words on a page and experiencing the magic of capturing formless thoughts and keeping them like fireflies in a jar.

1) No money? No problem!

Well, you’ll have to get a job. Which leads to problem #2. But at least you won’t be that tempted to write “for the market.” (Don’t do this! Don’t! Write for yourself first.) It’s so much more fulfilling to write a story you actually might enjoy than to try to write one you think someone else might enjoy. As an added bonus, authors or usually better writers when they’re writing for themselves.

“First write for yourself, and then worry about the audience.” -Stephen King

2) No time? That’s okay.

A busy writer is, well, a busy writer. I find being busy provides all types of great inspiration for my writing. Being surrounded by people with their crazy ideas, their moments of wisdom and insight, their passions and hopes, their everyday trials and frustrations—this is pay dirt for a writer. Nothing makes me want to write more than being confronted with ideas I find ludicrous (and real respectable people who believe them), talented wannabees who aren’t living up to their potential (that’s all of us), and encountering situations that leave me awestruck and thoughtful. A busy writer always has words, and, best of all, has no time for Writer’s Block.

Stay hungry for words. Read and write when there’s no time and no money in it. Write for joy and refreshment. Writing is its own reward.

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